best team

Leadership - Do you have the right team in place to have a killer year?


As a leader and business owner you control many things but one of the most critical is the investment you make in people and how you show up as their leader. A good leader manages his people in order to get the work done but a great leader motivates and inspires his team and is a major influence on them at work and elsewhere. Let your team members know their value to you as a person and to the business.

Take time to know what makes your team tick. Motivation varies by person. Employee engagement is below 63%. With an improved economy, companies are looking to lure your best talent. In most cases people leave their manager, not their job. 

Don’t be the reason team members leave.

Know your team.  Not just from what they do and how their tracking (results) perspective, but take it deeper. Be curious, explore and ask questions.

*  How are they feeling about their role? 

*  Are they getting feedback and in a way that they can relate to?

*  Do they feel valued? 

What do they feel they can contribute to the team?

*  Where can they make the most difference and how?

Does your team refer others to work for your team and company? And how likely are they to leave? Observe their attitudes and behavior whenever you are around them. Make effort to know their weaknesses and their strengths and also let them know too. Relate with each of them on a more personal level and commend them on their strengths and individual successes no matter how little or insignificant they might be.

Recognize your employees’ opinions and value their contributions. Never underrate a simple act of appreciation that you give them. It goes a long way in encouraging them to do more. Share your stories and similar experiences with them so that they would know that you were once in their position at one time or the other. This would spur them into putting their best in the hopes to be in your position someday. They would see you as a genuine person who still has his flaws but works beyond them to achieve something greater.

If team members are at their best they will do their best.